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Non-Hazardous (Non-RCRA) Waste Recycling

Enviro-Safe provides non-hazardous waste recycling and disposal programs that minimize environmental liabilities and overall costs.

Non-Hazardous Waste Recycling

Non-Hazardous (Non-RCRA) Waste Recycling Services

Enviro-Safe provides non-hazardous and non-RCRA waste recycling programs that are cost-effective and minimize environmental liabilities and overall costs. One option is a thermal process that minimizes the use of landfills by creating steam which gets converted to electricity and is sold to utility plants. We provide non-hazardous waste disposal, characterization, profiling, approvals, sampling (if required), and transportation services which include all DOT shipping documentation. Typical non-hazardous wastes include:

  •  Latex Paints
  •  Glues / Adhesives
  •  Inks
  •  Cosmetics
  •  Oils / Oily Debris
  •  Water Based Products
  •  Filters
  •  Food Products
  •  Pharmaceuticals
  •  Returned/Damaged Consumer Goods
  •  Finished Product/Expired Consumer Goods
  •  Off-Spec Products


Benefits of Having a Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Program

All businesses generate waste, whether it is RCRA or non-RCRA, liquid, sludge or gas, wastewater, or paper waste. But many companies are failing to take full advantage of the benefits of reuse and recycling programs - and are losing potential profits. Today, just over half of all U.S. garbage is buried in landfills, while just a third is recycled.

There are several benefits to a strong landfill diversion rate, including: 

  • Preserving the Environmental 
  • Protecting Human Health
  • Strengthening Professional Reputation 
  • Appealing to Environmentally-Conscious Consumers
  • Gaining Government Incentives
  • Creating Jobs
  • Driving Profitability 


The U.S. is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,906 pounds per person per year. When companies strive toward pollution prevention, they protect and conserve valuable natural resources.

How Can Enviro-Safe Help Your Business With Its Non-Hazardous Waste Management?

Enviro-Safe will work with you to find the best options to meet your company's waste management and sustainability goals. We have experience working with many different industries to divert non-hazardous waste from landfills. This can include waste-to-energy, recycling, or reuse.

Enviro-Safe is a full-service provider that includes our own transportation fleet.

Typical Non-Hazardous/(Non-RCRA) Waste Producing Industries Include:

  •  Adhesive / Coatings / Inks Manufacturers
  •  Consumer Goods
  •  Cosmetic Manufacturers
  •  Food Manufacturers / Producers
  •  Packaging
  •  Personal Care

Environmental Services

Successful businesses recognize the importance of integrating sound environmental programs and practices into their overall management plan and procedures. Enviro-Safe recognizes the importance of a company’s environmental consciousness.

Environmental Services

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Resource Recovery & Sustainability.

Our company is committed to our employees, customers, environment and community. This has allowed us to grow into industry leaders in resource recovery and landfill diversion programs.

Leaders in sustainability programs and waste management solutions